Build the IT Infrastructure to Inoculate Your Healthcare Organization 

Healthcare IT Solutions by Cisco


Navigating the uncertain world of healthcare IT

Managing healthcare IT is more challenging right now than it’s ever been. The industry is currently faced with an unprecedented number of patients, and treating them all requires adopting innovative new technologies and using them at scale. Health organizations are using wearables, medical mobile devices, and cloud technology to create a highly efficient, always-connected experience that benefits everyone. 


But this presents numerous caution flags for IT . It’s imperative to ensure clinicians and patients are kept physically safe, using real-time monitoring; it’s also important to prioritize data security for HIPAA compliance, which requires various levels of policy enforcement and access controls. 


This can all get complex – but there are ways to make it more manageable. In this eBook, we’ll discuss how solutions like Cisco Meraki, backed by IT services from Zones, can make it easier to deliver patient care in an efficient, scalable, and highly secure manner. 


 Optimizing your IT workflows with Smart Spaces

In any aspect of healthcare IT, it behooves you to improve your decision-making by using data-driven insights. Smart Spaces, which is a cornerstone of Cisco Meraki, is a powerful tool for doing just that. With Smart Spaces, you can delight patients, visitors, and hospital staff with intuitive spaces driven by data. This will help you optimize workflows, improve site safety, and make well-informed choices about resourcing. 


Especially now, with staggering numbers of patients passing through the healthcare system, using limited space efficiently is key. Smart Spaces simplifies that calculus, helping you move people comfortably and safely through facilities by using video analytics and machine learning. You’ll even have smart sensors that continually monitor your locations and alert you to safety concerns. 


The goal in healthcare today is to establish an always-connected experience across your organization, making life easier for everyone – patients and staff alike. Cisco Meraki makes this a reality, using next-gen access solutions and cutting-edge analytics to increase your efficiency across the board and remove the guesswork from your decision-making. 


Prioritizing network visibility and control 

At times like these, with hospitals and clinics taking care of so many patients and employees alike, network dependability should be the least of your worries. Having a good, stable network is table stakes. And yet for many healthcare organizations, network disruptions are common, and they impede everything from behind-the-scenes IT management to patient care on the front lines. 


Fortunately, Cisco solutions make it easier to rapidly scale up your network, ensuring constant connectivity while also looking out for security. For example, cloud-managed IT solutions enable you to view and manage your entire network infrastructure, all from one single pane of glass. You can monitor your entire infrastructure, across many dispersed locations, as well as all of the devices connected to it – even if there are thousands. 


A secure, dependable network enables your organization to manage your IT, mitigate risks as they come, and ensure your patient care remains strong, even in the face of challenges. Especially right now, downtime is not an option. And with Cisco Meraki, it won’t be a concern. 


 The future is bright for automation

When you’re trying to manage a heavy workload despite limited resources, the last thing you want to do is waste too much time on tedious manual tasks. The more you can automate, the better. That’s the direction that the world of work is moving, and not just in healthcare – automation is the key to an efficient, high-performing future. 


Thankfully, the Meraki Dashboard makes automation a breeze. With it, your IT team is able to add new organizations, administrators, cellular networks, and MG devices, even across thousands of locations, in mere minutes. Simply using an automated script takes all the busy work out of the process. 


By automating tasks like network provisioning, your team can save countless hours, and you can devote your energy to more meaningful projects like optimizing team performance or developing modern apps. You’ll also enjoy stronger teamwork, as your employees will spend less time on siloed individual tasks and more time achieving great things together. Who doesn’t love that?