Dell Technologies: Advancing Sustainability
Dell Technologies has pioneered innovative models, creative material uses and responsible, global recycling options.
Examples of how Dell Technologies is actively working to solve some of today's greatest challenges:
- recovered more than 2.1B pounds (950M+ kg) of used electronics since 2007.
- used 100M pounds (45M+ kg) of sustainable materials in products. This includes closing the recycling loop by turning plastics from used electronics into new products (125+ models) and rare earth magnets taken from old hard drives and reformed to be used in new hard drives. Dell was the first to accomplish both of these innovations.
- used waste materials for products and packaging: reclaimed carbon fiber from aerospace for making laptop bases, ocean-bound plastics for making packaging trays, and the plastic in the safety glass of old windshields as a waterproof coating for some of our backpacks.
- working with a supplier to use the soot captured from diesel generators to make the ink for printing on boxes in India.
- reduced the energy intensity of our product portfolio by 64%
- sourced 33% of our electricity from renewables last year.
Dell Technologies Supply Chain Sustainability Report provides more information about how they've worked to identify and prevent any social and environmental risk, and continuously collaborate with suppliers to raise the bar. These reports also include a summary of audit results and data about corrective action plans that are updated and shared with customers on a biannual basis.

View Supply Chain Sustainability Report